There is a total of seven sacraments in the Church. Three sacraments of initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist; two sacraments of healing: Penance or Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick; and two sacraments at the service of communion: Holy Orders and Matrimony. The parish offers the following sacraments:
To celebrate a baptism, please call the parish office. It is important that your child's godparents be 18 or older. Please call the office to register and to reserve the date of your child's baptism.
Before your child's bapstism, it is important to have :
- your registration form filled out (available by calling St. Elizabeth parish)
- your child's godparents' Baptism certificates with the date of their confirmation
Reconciliation and Eucharist
Your child must be 9 or older. Please call the office for registration information.
Please call the office for registration information.
Please call the office to reserve the church for the date of your wedding and for further information.
Annointing of the Sick
There is a special celebration during the year. Please contact the office for further information.